test statistic

英 [test stəˈtɪstɪk] 美 [test stəˈtɪstɪk]

网络  检验统计量; 检验统计值; 检验样本; 检定统计量; 统计量



  1. Test statistic data model of a bistatic radar systems is derived on the basis of monostatic radar signal detection process, it is the theoretical foundation of the bistatic radar ambiguity function.
  2. We derived the asymptotic distribution of the proposed test statistic under the null hypothesis.
  3. Using LSTAR ( 1) model as an example, we give the unit root test statistic and its critical value.
  4. Analysis of a Signal Starting Time Estimator Based on the Page Test Statistic
  5. It is shown that, under both the null and the local alternatives, the random weighting statistics have the same asymptotic distribution as the original test statistic under the null hypotheses.
  6. We proposed a Pseudo likelihood ratio test statistic and obtained the limiting distribution under null hypothesis.
  7. The researches are mainly focused on the improvement of iris sampling equipment, iris localization, the quality evaluation of iris image, live detection, coding and test statistic.
  8. The test statistic is the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter, the reciprocal of the mean life.
  9. Also, using the decomposition of the graphs of two graphical models, we can get some useful results about the decomposition of the likelihood ratio test statistic.
  10. This paper obtains the walsh characteristic function and moment of the distribution of Durbin-Watson test statistic DW in econometrics.
  11. This paper studies the optimization problem in Neyman Pearson ( NP) sense in distributed CFAR detection. The difference of optimization between the distributed CFAR detection based on binary local decision and local test statistic ( LTS) is elaborated.
  12. On the large number of reliability test statistic data, the selection technology, reliability evaluation and failure mechanism of RC electronic components are analysed and discussed.
  13. Under given conditions, the test statistic reduces to that for the difference between two regression coefficients.
  14. The test statistic of the method is called Z statistic.
  15. The paper also discusses the testing efficiency and the discussion indicates the test statistic can avoid the masking effect.
  16. Score test statistic is developed. Based on the parameter orthogonality transformation, the modified score test is also derived.
  17. Applying Schwarz information criterion, we respectively derive the corresponding test statistics in terms of the principle of minimum information criterion, as redundant parameters are known and unknown. The asymptotic problem is considered with test statistic in the case of redundant parameters unknown.
  18. We propose restricted locally-weighted kernel estimation for nonparametric analysis of covariance via varying coefficient models and construct related test statistic. A procedure for computing the exact p-value of the test is proposed.
  19. We also utilize the test statistic to construct the estimators for the number, locations, and jump sizes of the change points in volatility. The asymptotic properties of these estimators are derived.
  20. The third chapter presents the robustness of the test statistic under the volatility changes ( GARCH), the drift rate changes ( AR), and the volatility and drift rate changes ( AR-GARCH) with the corresponding correction test statistics.
  21. We propose using bootstrap residuals to approximate the finite-sample null distribution combined with simplified test statistic.
  22. This article discusses the nature, digital features and theoretical distribution of the test statistic. Meanwhile, numerical simulations of critical values are also given in tabular form, thus expanding the scope of application of these methods.
  23. In addition, we also use the Monte Carlo simulation way to analysis the cointegration test statistic of the limited sample, and establish the response surface function to the six types of the structure model.
  24. In this paper we use randomly weighted method to construct a randomly weighted test statistic for linear hypothesis test. And utilize conditional distribution of the weighted test statistic to approximate to the null distribution of the test statistic.
  25. Given observation samples, under some assumptions we prove that the conditional limiting distribution of the weighted test statistic, no matter the null hypothesis or local alternative is true, is same as the null limiting distribution of the test statistic.
  26. The article gave methods to choose the best model of network weights, and get the test statistic.
  27. In the review of hypothesis, the Bayesian statistic inference solves the problem of deciding test statistic in classical statistic inference, averts the problem of stopping rule and its specialty in induction.
  28. The last chapter, we give the empirical test of the global market with the overreaction statistic test, and discuss the robustness and applicability of the correction of the test statistic based on the actual stocks data.
  29. By averaging the weighted residuals, we construct a score type test statistic.